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In the recent years, an increasing number of youths have been allowed to have their own cars. Apart from the conventional use of cars, most drivers also use cars for entertainment purposes.

In recent years, there has been a sharp rise in the number of incidents involving young people, most minors, in drag racing. This is extremely dangerous as it does not only pose danger to the driver himself but also to other road users who could become unnoticing victims of road accidents.

Drag racing in its simplest terms is defined as an act by any vehicle driver consisting of accelerating the speed of the vehicle he/she operates in competition with another operator whether or not there is any agreement to race. This is further verified by the creation of noise from skidding tires and amplified noise from both engines.


According to Section 17B of the SIMILAR USA STATE LAWS General Law, anyone issued with the offense falling under the category of drag racing shall face not more than two and a half (2 ½) years of imprisonment in the house of corrections, a fine of not more than $1000. The violators’ licenses shall also be suspended for a period of not less than 30 days for first offense and not less than 180 days for any subsequent violation depending on the gravity of circumstance.

Holders of junior operator’s license or learner’s permit who commit drag racing charges shall be punished by a fine of not less than $250 for first offense plus 1-year suspension of permit or license. Subsequent violations shall be fined not less than $500 depending on the gravity of offense plus suspension of license or permit for 3 years.

Furthermore, they are to be required to complete the state courts against road rage program sponsored by the trial court and the department of state police.

Reinstating the suspended licenses too can be very costly. $500 is charged to junior operator or learner’s permit holders for first offense while $1000 for subsequent offenses. Reinstatement can only be done after payment of fines as well as successfully completing programs aimed at attitudinal changes among drivers instituted by the Registrar.


Regular < $1000 2 ½ years House of Corrections

Suspension of License for not less than 30 days (1st offense) and not less than 180 days (subsequent offenses)

Junior Operator/Learner’s Permit > $250 (1st offense)

> $500 (subsequent offenses) 1 yr license suspension (1st offense)

3 yr license suspension (subsequent offense)


Drag Racing is a major offense committed intentionally for the sake of competition which can potentially cause accidents. The fines and penalties are severe once a driver is proven to have committed such acts.

Our experienced traffic attorneys provide quality services which can help a ticketed driver fight against the consequences by attempting to have the ticket dropped and your record clean. Points, penalties, attitudinal courses, and suspension of licenses can be prevented through swift legal action